Sunday, August 26, 2012

Spurgeon's Christmas Quilt

This is Spurgeon's Christmas Quilt. It took about 5 years for me to start this one. I finally finished it this spring and gave it to him. I really like the way it turned out. They hung it on the wall, and his wife told me that she repainted her kitchen so it would go better with the quilt! I hope that the kitchen sort of needed it anyway, since I really hadn't intended to make anyone redecorate for my quilt.

The picture above is of an old project because I haven't really gotten into my quilting groove again. Now that I finished Sara's quilt, I pulled out an old project, but I haven't sewn a stitch. Is this Quilter's Block? I have lots of ideas, but for some reason I can't seem to start anything. So currently my quilting momentum is nil.

I've been looking at books and blogs from the modern quilting movement. I think what interests me most about it is the use of negative space. There doesn't seem to be as much of that in traditional quilts. I think I am also attracted to the irregularity of some modern quilts. Symmetry and repetition, which are so prominent in traditional quilting, can be fascinating and rather soothing; but sometimes things seem to be too regular and predictable, and they become boring.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It's summertime, complete with the near-daily rains, heat, and bugs! Everything is lovely and green. I've been doing a lot of reading--I'm making progress on The Stack, my pile of unread books. I've read, or, in a few cases, decided not to read (and to sell back to a used bookstore) about half of the books in my Stack. And, of course, I've acquired a few more books along the my scrap bin, the levels never seem to go down much.
I completed a quilt, my first in MONTHS. This one is a comfort quilt for my friend Sara (shown on the right in the photo), who went in for surgery this week. She likes it! The pattern is called "Zipper" and is from Kerr & Ringle's Modern Quilt Workshop. Hearts are really not my thing, but this wasn't a quilt for me, so I added a heart, because it fit.